Show Up Scrappy

There are aspects of leadership where you are leading, practically, because you are the loudest voice in a group and everyone else has either decided to (or are forced to) listen to you. People will listen to the loudest voice in a room but they tend to follow the most confident voice. B eing louder and more confident will set you apart from most people. A defining trait of a leader is literally being in where you should be - another way to say this is "showing up." Showing up looks like...being early/on-time and being "present" in conversations. This is a fundamental part of leadership. A leader is present physically and emotionally...and taking it one step more, they make decisions. If there is a group of 5 people and only one person speaks up about what they think is the best plan of attack – they are by default showing leadership characteristics. It may not be the best plan, but it is currently the only plan. Leaders call o...